Wellcome in Springland

April 2016, Tschechien

Fotoprojekt über das Gewerbegebiet ‚Springland‘ in der Grenzregion Tschechien.

Photobased project about the consumer area ‚Springland‘ in the border region of Czech.

IMG_7529 IMG_7426 IMG_7424 IMG_7418 IMG_7413 IMG_7341 IMG_7352 IMG_7324 IMG_7383 IMG_7389 IMG_7376 IMG_7335 IMG_7330 IMG_7318 IMG_7317 IMG_7311 IMG_7298 IMG_7295 IMG_7289 IMG_7271 IMG_7262 IMG_7259 IMG_7257 IMG_7253 IMG_7251 IMG_7247 IMG_7245 IMG_7240 IMG_7239 IMG_7232 IMG_7230 IMG_7222